Welcome to Weblorg


Weblorg is a Static HTML Website Generator. It's built with Emacs Lisp and takes advantage of the powers of Org-Mode as the source format, and makes it easy to extend and customize the structure and the theme of the generated website.

It's easy to run Weblorg from a CI or from any other automated environment with emacs –script publish.el from the root of your website.


To make it more natural for people that have used other tools for generating websites, Weblorg leverages templatel, a library that provides a familiar syntax for stitching reusable templates together for creating websites. e.g.:

  {% for post in posts %}
      <a href="{{ url_for("posts", slug=post.slug) }}">
	{{ post.title }}
  {% endfor %}
    main(int argc, char **argv)
            return (0);


You can format your posts using text-based annotations, very similarly to markdown. Although they're similar in concept, Org-Mode has it's own syntax. Check out the basics:

Markup Result
*bold* bold
/italic/ italic
_underline_ underline
~code~ code
=verbatim= verbatim
[[https://orgmode.org][Link]] Link

Outlines, automatic generation of Table of Contents and many more Org-Mode features are available. Make sure you take a look at their extensive documentation to learn more about it.